Koinomo KMO$


What is the Koinomo Fund? 

Koinomo is the future asset the executives stage utilizing Smart agreements dependent on blockchain innovation. Koinomo means to have the most productive and viable Fund so clients have the best involvement with one spot. Koinomo is a Used Asset Management Fund Built in Binance Smart Chain. 

Crafted by the Koinomo Fund 

Koinomo is centered around changing the manner in which we procure income in Crypto with the dispatch of the world's most exceptional blockchain Fund. The Koinomo organization and experience brings a relentless help to you and your accounts in front of the group in the monetary business, etc worldwide. Simply put your Bitcoin in a Koinomo wallet and they will contribute well and sell your cash among different resources. The asset is consistently overseen and new coins are continually being investigated to give financial backers the best profit from their capital. 

Components of the Koinomo Fund 

Utilized Bitcoin Wallet: To make a record with Koinomo, you just need to make your own bitcoin wallet utilizing an irregular 12-key seed key that associates your record to your PC and is upheld by a 8 - 21 key secret word. 

Full Security: Koinomo has found a way various ways to guarantee a protected climate for Investor Funds through a cool speculation arrangement of advanced resources for financial backers. 

KoINOMO Monthly Fund Performance: At the finish of every month, Koinomo is needed to distribute the presentation of asset markers that reflect day by day exchanging action and benefit/misfortune on each exchanging day. 

One withdrawal: Investors are not limited by any cutoff time for their speculation which implies they can pull out whenever of the day from Koinomo FUND to their Koinomo reserve. 

Zero issuance expenses/No secret expenses: Koinomo doesn't charge any withdrawals beside the 8: 2 split (BTC financial backers) and the 9: 1 proportion split ($ KMO financial backers). 

day in and day out Support Online: Koinomo will give nonstop Live Chat on the site and in the Telegram people group to financial backers if any help is required in regards to their venture with Koinomo. 

How does Koinomo work? 


To turn into a financial backer in the KOINOMO Fund, you should initially visit KOINOMO.com. Once there you go to the enlistment issue otherwise called "Begin Investing". 

Whenever you have stored your cash in the Koinomo reserve. Koinomo oversees financial backer assets in various situations, with long and short techniques. 

54.5 of the portfolio has been dispensed a transient technique on the exchanging work area, where Koinomo will make a customary exchange on BTC esteem in fiat and BTC in crypto pairings. 

Another 45.5% hold BTC stores, a place of refuge in cold and safe packs. 

KOINOMO ascertains all benefits in USDT, which implies that once your Bitcoin is contributed, our objective will be to expand the FIAT worth of your bitcoins regardless of whether the market is negative. 

On the off chance that you store 1 BTC at the current cost of $ 38,000, Koinomo's order is increment that measure of FIAT and Bitcoin even in the negative market or cycle by exchanging and contributing. On the off chance that the cost of bitcoin drops to $ 32,000, our asset makes a 15% rate toward the month's end giving you a benefit of $ 5,700 and $ 38,000 identical to $ 43,700. 

Benefit Distribution Process — All benefits will be partitioned by a proportion of 2: 8 with KOINOMO taking 20% ​​and the financial backer taking 80%. Your record balance is determined and refreshed like clockwork. 

The speculation made in the Koinomo token, in particular KMO, will be a 9: 1 benefit profit. Financial backers share 90% benefit and 10% will be shared by Koinomo. 

At the point when a misfortune happens, the measure of the misfortune will be conveyed to financial backers in relation to their venture levels in the asset. Such misfortunes will be credited to the record in a similar way as the benefit. 

What is a Koinomo Token (KMO)? 

The KoINOMO token or "KMO" token is a free skimming based resource in Binance Smart (BSC), with its own money related strategies. KMO fills in as the customary cash of the Koinhomo framework. The greatest benefit of the KMO token if financial backers decide to put resources into the Koinomo reserve utilizing the KMO token has a critical portion of 9: 1 benefit sharing, which implies that 90% of the benefits will be given to financial backers on the off chance that they decide to put resources into KMO tokens. This will assist with upgrading the climate of Koinomo. 


Token Name: Koinomo 

Ticker: KMO 

Organization: Binance Smart Chain 

Absolute Sales: 10,000,000 KMO

#Koinomo #kmo #BinanceSmartChain #BSCGem #BSC #investwithkoinomo


web: https://koinomo.finance/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Koinomo/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koinomo
Telegram: https://t.me/koinomo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/koinomotoken
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/koinomo/
Reddit: http://reddit.com/r/koinomo
Medium: https://medium.com/@koinomo
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNEarsppiq4rj669RkaonNA


BEP20 WALLET: 0x29d3D909935CA64293D8d0ED49d396B094C42d10

BTT LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2826797


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